Author: Pastor Thomas G. Wilson
April 03, 2020
1 Peter 1:6-9 TPT [6] May the thought of this cause you to jump for joy, even though lately you've had to put up with the grief of many trials. [7] But these only reveal the sterling core of your faith, which is far more valuable than gold that perishes, for even gold is refined by fire. Your authentic faith will result in even more praise, glory, and honor when Jesus the Anointed One is revealed. [8] You love him passionately although you did not see him, but through believing in him you are saturated with an ecstatic joy, indescribably sublime and immersed in glory. [9] For you are reaping the harvest of your faith-the full salvation promised you-your souls' victory!
Trials, temptations, troubles, and tests! Everyone is temporarily (for a season) harassed by them, tormented by them, and oppressed by them. There is stress as a result of quarantine, foreclosures, divorce, life threatening disease, gender confusion, and political injustice. These varied troubles can cause even typically optimistic people to be sad, stressed, fearful, anxious and worried. For a growing percentage of the population these feelings of dread do not pass quickly, instead they linger, leaving the person feeling hopeless, unable to cope, paralyzed by fear.
Praise God Almighty, the answer for trials that leave you depressed is in His Word! First Peter says that these trials are a test to prove your faith to be authentic, pure and genuine or expose it as fake. Fake faith says it believes but when the heat (the fire, i.e., pressure) is on it withers away or shrinks back because it continually thinks about the trial. Authentic faith is fully persuaded that what God has promised, He is more than able to perform; it imagines the unexplainable, victorious, glorious outcome of their trust in God, and as a result God brings them joy that cannot be explained before they see it! This joy has an atmosphere of the glories of Heaven! Joy is supernatural strength to fight depression, frustration, anxiety and worry. Even though you cannot see Him, love Him today with an undying love that doesn't change it's commitment even in the face of intense adversity, trust Him today with a steadfast persuasion that is unmoved by natural impossibilities and be healed! Rejoice today with a joy that cannot be explained! Indescribable joy! Amen!!!
For further reading: Rom.4:16-21 & Neh.8:10