Author: Pastor Thomas G. Wilson
April 29, 2020
Isaiah 54:14 KJV 14 In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it shall not come near thee.
To be “established” means, to be firm, stable, fixed, secure. It carries the sense of permanence and inalterability. It also means to settle or fix what is wavering, doubtful or weak. Another aspect of the definition of “established” is to cause to be recognized and accepted without question. This is the perspective of the ability of others to recognize the inalterable stability, firmness, and security of something or someone that is established. The Word of the LORD to the Prophet Isaiah was that those with a life commitment to the LORD would, because of it, be “established” in righteousness (meaning “right standing with God”). Thus signifying my relationship with my LORD is now a place of PERMANENT STABILITY, my life filled with structure and order because of my right standing with the Him. My PERMANENT PLACE with God, my INALTERABLE STANDING with Him forever settles and fixes all doubt, weakness, fear and wavering; from now throughout eternity. The benefits of this glorious relationship is recognized and accepted of beings in heaven, in earth and beneath the earth without question as He continually receives glory from the visible evidence of blessings through His abiding presence and wonderful works. Some of the immediate benefits are as follows:
1. Social Distancing From Oppression. This means putting distance between yourself and the cruel and unjust exercise of authority;
2. Self-Isolation From Fear And Terror. This refers to the voluntary commitment to not fret, be anxious, disturbed, alarmed, or overwhelmed by any threat; for as I shelter in place…it shall not come near me.
For further reading: Acts 10:38; Rom.1:16-17; 4:13; 5:17; 5:21; 2 Cor.5:21