Can you hear me now?
Author: Pastor Thomas G. Wilson
April 16, 2020
Matthew 11:15 NLT [15] Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand!
Did you know that eight times in the book of Revelation alone Jesus makes a similar statement! Anything mentioned that many times in the scripture lets you know two things: 1) It’s very important. And 2) There is a blatant deficiency. In the book of Revelation, listening is tied to overcoming the deficiency. Listening is one of the easiest things you will ever do and yet, it is one of the most difficult things you will ever do.
The key to developing good listening skills is curiosity and captivation. Your sincere interest and concern for the speaker should arouse a desire to know what they are trying to communicate to you. You have to want to listen because you understand that the words said are coming from their heart and that, is precious. There should also be a recognition that listening allows the hearer to get to know the speaker better. Listening on this level communicates that you will listen to what is shared without judging or trying to change the speaker. You become a safe place where extreme vulnerability is not awkward and trust fosters the deepest levels of intimacy.
Song of Solomon 2:14 TPT [14] For you are my dove, …Let me see your radiant face and hear your sweet voice…
Good listeners:
1) Listen attentively. With body language you are able to communicate, “you are important to me.” Eye contact is vital as well as other positive body posture.
2) Verify Understanding. Repeat back what you heard with positive body posture. Your posture cannot ever communicate boredom or impatience, for example.
3) Validate the speaker. Validation is to recognize the worthiness or legitimacy of what was said. You can validate opinions even when you don’t agree with the message.
For further reading: Lk.8:18; Rev. 2