Heavenly Order
Author: Pastor Thomas G. Wilson
May 20, 2020
Psalms 104:4 KJV Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire:
There is an order of heavenly beings that occupy a position quite different from that of either God or man. They occupy an estate, i.e., a class of beings far below that of the Godhead nevertheless above that of fallen man (Heb.2:9). The original estate of mankind was above that of angels and just below the Godhead. (Ps.8:3-9 Elohim translated “angel” literally means “God”) Both the Hebrew word (malak) as well as the Greek word (angelos) translated “angel” mean “messenger”. The Hebrew word carries the additional meaning “to dispatch as a deputy”; therefore, angels are God’s deputies dispatched from heaven with authority to deliver and enforce God’s message with almightiness. Deputies are authorized to command those in violation of the law to cease and desist or face arrest and/or the use of deadly force to uphold the law (Jude 1:6). Angels are spirit beings, meaning they do not have physical bodies (Luke 24:38-39) as man does, however they can take on human form and appear as men (Hebrews 13:2; Gen.19:1-5). Angels are created beings (Ps.104:4), created before man (Job 38:4-7 morning stars=angels), and they live in heaven, however many are on assignment in the earth (Gen.28:12). They are all servants (Ps.104:4 His angels) of God but many have the specific assignment of guarding and ministering for God’s heirs…you and I. (Heb.1:14; Ps.91:11) Since they are sent to minister for you and I, then you and I must give them an assignment and that assignment must be one which they are authorized to carry out. So fill your heart with God’s word and use your mouth to demand what is rightfully yours because God has deputies assigned to you to enforce every word of promise you speak! (Matt.18:10; Ps.103:20-21)
For further reading: Read and meditate all references found in the body of the above article.